The Guitar used on this number (and in the first three sets) a 1962
Telecaster Custom reissue featured in
Stringkiller's Telecaster Shoot out.
was my
Mesa Boogie
Subway Blues
22 watts of heavenly joy and a
Mesa Boogie
V Twin pedal.
That Alnico II neck pickup at the beginning with that fat tone (reverb is on 10) with the slow bends just does it for me Stringkiller ;-). The bends at the end of my solo are behind the nut (where the strings go over and into the tuners) bends. I like the way Raphael is fitting into the band, the song is in Ab and it has thrown more than one piano player a loop ;-)
The Bass guitar used throughout the concert is a
Musicman Stringray Bass
(Date unknown)
Bass guitar amplification was through the Soundboard (new, I
did not notice the make but you'll notice the voice had no reverberation) and Philip always likes to have his
Fender Bass Amplifier
To contact Dr Pickup Telephone Day 01 47 08 12 12 Evening 01 41 44 12 12
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