Pascal with a mate
To contact Dr Pickup
Telephone Day 01 47 08 12 12
© 1997 - 2002
2 guys from someting called Musicast, some kind of association of musicians.
I'm in touch with them and will put more news up when I get it from them.
Cool guy from MCM TV channel. Thanks for the stickers mate :-)
Cool guy from MCM TV channel #2.
This gentleman was on the Dean Guitars stand (OK booth) and offered to take Robert Jackson's picture with me.
Nice marketing ploy, hope they don't loose my address.
This gorgeous young lady helped
Part 1.Objectives, Horns, Mandolinos
Part 2.Continue with the Salon Tour, meet some people,
Part 3. Check out some high quality French acoustic, Dobro and Electric guitars
Part 4. High quality American guitars
Part 5. Pascal Rocket's visit deals with the drums we saw and heard.
Evening 01 41 44 12 12
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