Dinner at Susan and Eddie's with Shrimp City Slim and his better half,
The Stringkillers, The Rockets, Jimmy Fenno, Chuck and the Ventilators in Charleston SC
I thought this would be the easiest way of getting a shot of Susan!
The ladies
Olivier with his new American Fender Stratocaster
Charleston, get readyto rock
Dig the Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates Bridge Pickup and the MOT (Mother of Toilet Seat) pickguard
This Strat wails Thanks Mike and Patrick
Silent Eddie's guitars and amplifiers
Silent Eddie's late 60s Telecaster - One Original owner Eddie
Dig the 30s Gibson Lap top guitar with the funky maple burled top
I really like Telecasters
The above link is to Stringkiller's Telecaster shootout
Behind the Telecaster,check out the Gibson Explorer amplifier (which Chuck got for harp then he switched from blondes haha) Fender Bassman amplifier and Fender Hot Rod Deluxe. I got to use the Hot rod Deluxe (behind the Red Gibson lSG) at Le Mistral and at Ciscos When I get the sound files up tell me what you think.
Hello world now we start seeing the
very nice Gibson ES 335 Blonde
Three nice Gibsons but that Blonde 335 is a real looker and she can whisper and scream too
The Gibson Les Paul Eddie so kindly lent me to use at Le Mistral and at Ciscos With a 1930s Dobro that has had a few bumps along it's long life.
To buy your CDs also check out Shrimps Web site and buy his Low Country Blues albums so he can pay Eddie, Jimmy and Chuck (his bandmembers) more
so that they can come over to Paris more and all your dreams will come true
Pour acheter vos DVDs, CDs ou livres de blues
To contact Dr Pickup
Telephone Day 01 47 08 12 12
Evening 01 41 44 12 12